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On Line Appointment Booking for Existing Patients
We apologize! Our appointment booking was not working for the past few weeks but it is officially up and running – all the bugs have been worked out and we are able to take your appointment request. One button is for NEW PATIENTS and the other is for EXISTING CLIENTS already in our system. If…

Low Back, Buttock, Hip Pain or Sciatica?
Low Back Pain is the most common ailment we see in physiotherapy. It often masquerades as pain in the hip, buttock or “sciatica”. Mechanical low back pain affects nearly everyone at some stage of life. 60 -75% of patients that have back pain once will experience recurring problems. The majority of back pain is MECHANICAL….

Car Accident? Your treatment can be direct billed
In Alberta, protocols have been established for the diagnosis and treatment of injuries associated with motor vehicle collisions. These protocols ensure that individuals with minor injuries including WAD (whiplash associated disorder), sprains and strains do not have to wait for approval from their insurance company before starting treatment. Physiotherapists as primary care practitioners can notify…

Massage Therapy Gift Certificates
What a wonderful gift option for those who deserve a great massage. Available now!

Extended Health Benefits
The health care year end is fast approaching, if you’ve had a nagging injury why not come in and get it looked at and use up your benefits before its too late! Massage therapy is a great way to relax leading up to the busy Christmas season. Call today and book your appointment

Chronic Achilles 80% better in one visit
We recently had a client with a 2 year history of Achilles pain, aching and inability to maintain her fitness routine. She had tried various things for her Achilles including stretching, rest, active release, IMS, and even a walking boot. No matter what she tried, nothing seemed to work in fact the pain had started…

Thank you!
A huge thank you to all our clients new and returning for making this past year a huge success. We have had our busiest year ever! We have a great team of therapists and support staff and will hopefully be hiring again in the new year. To accommodate this increase in business, we have expanded…

Compressed Nerve in Neck – Rapidly Resolved
I was off work in September 2013 for 3 weeks with a compressed nerve in my neck which affected my entire right arm – I can honestly say I have never been in such pain in my life – even childbirth did not compare. I could not sleep at night, could not read or watch…

Elbow/Forearm Pain 60% better in 1 visit
Hi Kari, I want you to put this on your website so that others can benefit the same way that I am. I’ve had pain in my left forearm for about 3 months. It started from carrying my work bag everyday. I filed a workers compensation claim and began physio at another clinic closer to…