Our Blog

Hip and Knee Replacement Testimonial
Thank you for all the great help. I got excellent results and am moving better and my knee is back to normal and I’m still working on my balance , I’ve improved greatly all around. The discomfort in my hip has improved. Thanks again. By the way, this is the fifth post-surgical therapy I’ve had…

2 New Testimonials this week THANK YOU!!
I am extremely happy with service @ your clinic …. over many years that I have been coming. I absolutely do refer you to friends. Kudos to Rachelle for her latest treatments and good advice. Thanks, Barbara B. I just wanted to thank John and Marissa for helping me to recover quickly…

Chronic Hip Pain – McKenzie works!!!
Latest from our online Patient survey: I have had four years of hip pain, with many visits to Chiro, doctor, physio, etc. and no real relief. Trying the McKenzie method was the last attempt before thinking surgery was the only option. Within a day of being assessed and given exercises from Audrey, I am walking…

Extended Health Benefits Do Not Carry Over
With year end approaching, now might be a good time to come in to get that nagging injury looked at – especially if you still have some benefits left over in your plan. We are able to direct bill with many insurance companies to reduce your out of pocket expenses. November and December can be…

Check out our latest newsletter on Staying Active in Winterand Thoracic disc injuries

Running Injury Specialist
Our clinical specialist, Audrey Long BScPT, dip MDT, has recently become a running specialist with www.therunningclinic.ca. She has been a recreational runner for decades. Her goal is to not let her age stop her from enjoying her morning jogs. She enjoys helping runners overcome current injuries and /or prevent those recurrent problems that some runners…

THANK YOU! $500.00 For the Humane Society
We want to thank all our great clients, we had a campaign going for the past few months – for every review or referral, we donated $10.00 to the humane society and last week we donated $500.00! We appreciate all the great feedback and client referrals and so do our furry friends.

We are Born to Move – thanks PT Alberta for this awesome video
Way to go PT Alberta!! We love this video. So true!

Our best advertising is word of mouth – THANK YOU!!
Hi Friends, If you have been a patient at our clinic, and were happy with the results, staff, or anything else let us know! Our best advertising is word of mouth. We have been here a long time (over 21 years with our current owners) and growing steadily. THANK YOU!!! We have only 1 month…