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McKenzie Method at Work :: Neck Pain Casestudy
I recently had a client (50 yrs old) who came to the clinic complaining of a stiff neck of over 6 months duration. She said the pain was not too bad and that it tended to come and go. She could not remember any particular incident where she injured it. She delayed coming in because…

Back Pain
Over 80% of adults suffer from back pain at some point in their lifetime. Audrey Long, a Calgary researcher is gaining international attention for her innovative study on a proven and effective way to treat back pain. Answers for Back Pain Found in New Study Calgary, AB – Eighty percent of adults will experience back…

Checklist – Could your headaches be coming from your neck? Do you tend to have headaches that start from the base of your skull? Do you spend more than four hours a day reading, computer, driving, fine hand work? Do you have stiffness/pain with shoulder checking? Do you have bifocals/trifocals? Are you prone to aching…

Posture and Pain
Have you ever linked posture with pain? For example, does your back or neck hurt after a long drive? Do yousuffer frequent headaches? Do you have rotator cuff problems or frequent tendonitis? Do you have tennis elbow even though you don’t play tennis? All of the aboveproblems can be caused or aggravated by poor posture. Although there are many causes…