Custom orthotics at Bonavista Physical Therapy are molded by Kari Lambden and the molds are sent in to a local lab for fabrication. A thorough assessment of the foot, knee, and hip as well as a gait analysis is completed before molds are made. An examination of footwear is also helpful. A complete exam including molds usually takes about an hour.
Orthotics are generally prescribed for:
a) Shock absorption /stress reduction
b) Motion control and alignment
c) Immobilization and support
d) Correcting deformity
Conditions where orthotics can be used effectively are:
- Plantar fasciitis
- Arch pain
- Achilles tendonitis
- Patellofemoral syndrome
- Morton’s neuroma
- Bunions
- Shin splints
It is important to remember that simply supplying an orthotic device may not completely fix the problem. Physiotherapy to correct muscle imbalances, and education regarding training errors and proper footwear is essential.