I recently had a client (50 yrs old) who came to the clinic complaining of a stiff neck of over 6 months duration. She said the pain was not too bad and that it tended to come and go. She could not remember any particular incident where she injured it. She delayed coming in because the pain was tolerable and she thought it would just “go away on its own”.
When I began taking her history, it came out that she was also suffering from occasional dizziness and nausea. She was not sure if it was related to her stiff neck or not. When I looked at her posture I noticed a significant forward head position. As she tended to spend a lot of time sitting and in the car, I could imagine this was a posture she spent quite a bit of time in. Her range of motion was limited as well. I assessed her using the McKenzie Method and during the assessment, it became apparent that her nausea was indeed related to her neck as we were able to turn it on and off with movement. I was able to identify an exercise that worked for her (ie. Her movement was better after this exercise) and prescribed it for a home program. She was instructed in how to properly support herself in a chair to improve her posture as well.
After 3 days, I followed up with this client who reported that her nausea did not return and her neck was much better. I progressed her exercises and saw her once more for follow up. At her last appointment, she had full range of motion and no nausea. Both the client and I were happy with the results but she regretted not having come in sooner. She was impressed it only took 2 sessions to sort out and treat the problem effectively.
This is a great example of how well MDT can work! For very little time and money, we can show you what to do to fix and or manage your problem. Call for an appointment today! 403 278-0705.
Kari Lambden